KISS EBS 변형 빈칸, 어휘, 어법 6문제 풀고 가요!! [끌올]
7. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [영어.13.3]
The art market is the result of complex interactions ① that can usually not be explained by economic theory. The name of an artist, recent exhibitions, new books, rediscoveries, reactions of dealers, critics, museum directors, art historians, collectors and investors often ② influence tastes, aesthetic values and prices. Artists have sometimes been rated ③ explicitly by art historians. Implicit ratings can also be computed by using, for instance, the length of entries in art history books, encyclopedias or dictionaries. Economists believe that prices can ④ be taken as integrating all these effects and their dynamic interactions across artists and media may reveal some common patterns or, on the contrary, ⑤ calling attention to divergent behaviors.
*aesthetic 미학적인, 심미적인 **divergent 상궤(常軌)를 벗어나는, 이탈하는
11. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? [영어.20.3]
The most succinct definition of 'artefact' ① which one can give is to say that an artefact is the material representation of human intentionality. In other words, not all expressions of human intentionality necessarily involve the production of artefacts. For example, while numbers and the rules of adding and subtracting are ② deliberately drawn up by humans for the purpose of calculation and computation, they are themselves not artefacts, although they may lead to the production of artefacts such as the abacus or the electronic calculator. A good many intentionally③ executed activities like singing and dancing involve no artefacts. In other words, techniques ④themselves are to be distinguished from the things which materially represent them; some, though not all, techniques lead to artefacts. Singing requires only the techniques of using voice, lungs and control of other related parts of the body; a recorded performance of a song, on the other hand, as a vinyl record, a tape or a CD, ⑤ are an artefact whose production in turn involves further artefacts like microphones and other machines.
*succinct 간단명료한, 간결한 **abacus 주판
2. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [영어.3.4]
Although the case for freedom is strong, this goal cannot be pursued without limit. Almost everyone admits that some restrictions are necessary when the ① exercise of individual freedom endangers others or imposes large external costs. A more subtle but more pervasive limit to freedom ② arises when it conflicts with the individual's desire for security. In the face of the complexities and uncertainties of modern life, many people willingly vote for programs that ③restrict freedom - their own and that of others - in exchange for the promise of greater security. For instance, numerous laws ④ deny consumers the freedom to buy products that have been judged to be dangerous. But not everyone makes the same evaluation of the tradeoff. Rational individuals will seek a perfect balance between freedom and security, but this balance varies among individuals, depending upon their ability to benefit from freedom and to bear the cost of insecurity. This ⑤ consensus is the major reason why it is so difficult to reach agreement on this issue.
*pervasive 넓은 범위에 미치는 **tradeoff 거래, 교환 (협정)
12. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 문맥상 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? [영어.30.2]
While Bangladesh has a rich cooking tradition, with ① elaborate multi-course meals characterizing the tables of the country's richest citizens, the food served on the streets is much simpler. Bangladesh has one of the world's highest poverty rates, and its street food is primarily made of ingredients that are cheaply available and ② affordable for all classes. Meat is a ③staple, as is fish. While street vendors are found standing over pots of spicy Imleem (a wheat and meat stew), beef kabobs, and shutki (dried fish), these dishes are the ④ exception rather than the rule. Most Bengali street food is made from vegetables, nuts, fruits, and cheaply available items like rice and cittci (whole wheat) flour. Chilies, spices, sugar, and ⑤ distinctive cooking oils give street-side foods the full flavor that Bengalis enjoy. Many popular street foods are similar to those sold in India and Pakistan. *kabob 꼬치구이
11. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [영어.16.4]
Imagine that after studying word pairs such as red/blood and food/radish, you are given red as a cue and recall that blood went with it. This act of recall strengthens your memory of the two words appearing together, so that next time you are given red , it will be easier for you to recall blood. Remarkably, however, recalling that blood went with red will also make it more difficult later to recall radish when given food! When practicing red/blood, it is necessary to suppress retrieval of recently encountered "red things" other than blood, so that your mind is not littered with ___________ that could interfere with the recall of the word you seek. But there is a cost to suppressing retrieval of unwanted items such as radish: they are less accessible for future recall, even to a cue ( food ) that would seem to have nothing to do with "redness."
*radish 적환무(뿌리의 색이 붉은 색을 띰) **suppress 억누르다
① illuminations
② irrelevancies
③ irregularities
④ illegalities
⑤ irrationalities
12. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. [영어.23.4]
The concept of positive bias refers to the frequently observed phenomenon in tourist satisfaction studies that very positive appraisals are given for a great variety of products and services. Is tourism really this good? Is everybody really so happy most of the time? On the surface, the empirical evidence would suggest they are, with many people giving a score of 6 or 7 on a 7-point rating scale. There is, however, an explanation for this kind of result. It is likely that a significant amount of ego or self-esteem protection is operating with customers not wanting to accept that in the free-choice tourism situation they have selected badly. Tourism products and experiences reflect people's values and represent aspects of (and opportunities to enhance) their identity; it is therefore counterproductive a _____ to be very dissatisfied with a situation that one has willingly entered and often paid handsomely to experience. *appraisal (가치, 업적 등에 대한) 평가
① invaluable and indicates higher self-esteem
② beneficial and influences positively on one's identity
③ ineffective and improves one's self-esteem
④ conducive to one's identity and caters to personal experience
⑤ counterproductive and reflects poorly on personal credibility
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정답은 적당한 타이밍에 댓으로 달게요 ㅋㅋ
물론 해당 ebs 지문에 다 있음 ㅎㅎ
입시생은 아니지만 흥미있게 보았네요~
좋게봐주셔서 감사합니다!!
아까 댓주셨던 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 문제 추가했으니 또 보셔요!!
좋은퀄의 Kiss 기대하고 있겠습니다 :)
오랜만이에요 감사해용 ㅎㅎ
555325? 댓글에 정답이 없네요 어법은 자신없는데 ㅠ