짧) 빈칸
9. Isaac Newton defined the mass of a body as ‘the quantity of matter’ it contains, which begs the question of what matter is or how its ‘quantity’ can be measured. The problem is that, though we can define some quantities in terms of more fundamental quantities (e.g., speed in terms of distance and time), some concepts are so fundamental that any such attempt leads to a(n) _____________ definition like that just stated. To escape from this, we can define such quantities ‘operationally’, by which we mean that we describe what they do—i.e., how they operate—rather than what they are. [3점]
① figurative
② empirical
③ circular
④ hypothetical
⑤ lexical
14. The evolution of jazz music, from its roots in the early 20th century to its myriad contemporary forms, reflects the dynamic nature of this genre. Originatingwithin African American communities, jazz combined elements of blues, ragtime, and European music to create a unique and expressive sound. Improvisation is a defining characteristic of jazz, allowing musicians to spontaneously create and vary melodies, harmonies, and rhythms during performances. This element of improvisation makes each jazz performance a unique experience. Over the decades, jazz has evolved to include influences from other genres such as funk, rock, and even classical music. The enduring appeal of jazz lies in its ability to ___________________. [3점]
① embrace diversity and innovation
② sustain a connection to its socio-political origins
③ selectively exclude contemporary components of music
④ explore commercial trends while retaining its essence
⑤ adhere to traditional components of African American musi
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