영감을 받아 끄적여본 글
We all have two or more selves. One is the primal ego that everyone universally possesses. The stage of establishing the original ego is usually reached in infancy. During this period, we act only through communication with our primal self.
As children grow older, they begin to form more diverse social relationships. The most important social relationships are peers. Peers also aim only at their primal ego, so when they come into conflict with another peer's primal ego in a specific situation, they instinctively feel the need to protect their own ego.
At this point, another self, the ‘conscious self’, is formed. Only peers can participate in the process of forming a conscious self. This is because in adults who have already formed a conscious ego, the conscious ego protects the primal ego, and therefore direct conflict between the primal egos cannot occur. Therefore, the results of forming a conscious self with peers may be different from the conscious self formed by other generations, and this should be accepted as a natural phenomenon. This awareness can help us understand generational differences and minimize conflict.
In addition to the conscious ego mentioned above, as human relationships become more diverse, more egos are formed. Humans belong to various communities through social life, and factors such as one's image, role, and class in each community make a difference in the formation of self. This difference can also be interpreted as priority. Preferences and importance for a particular community form priorities, and the self is segmented accordingly. This phenomenon is natural, and we must recognize that just as we have priorities, others may also have priorities. You also need to be aware of the fact that you may be pushed out of other people's priorities.
So what should we do if we want to raise others’ priorities about us? If you think the way is to be nicer to others and focus more on your relationship with them, think again.
Rather than getting too caught up in relationships, you have to focus on yourself and not forget your true self. We must realize that the conscious self we have formed with others is a means to protect our original self, our true self. Let’s think about whether we have become so absorbed in our conscious self that we have forgotten our original self.
If you share what you have realized through communication with your original self with other people with a conscious self, you can provide others with the opportunity to communicate with their original self. If others also share what they have realized, they can understand each other's original selves. I believe that if this kind of sharing is repeated, community communication can make the lives of members more valuable and naturally raise others' priorities about me and the community.
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